Tuesday, 10 February 2009


We can't let this 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns pass without singing some of his songs and we began with the comic love story Duncan Gray.
The text with many wonderful old Scots words is set to a lively tune and some time was spent discussing meanings and pronunciation using some detective work based around the rhymes.
One or two of the group had known a completely different text but couldn't remember it exactly, and went away to check that. I've managed to track down this version from 1851, Scottish Parodies (CLICK LINK) included in The Merry Muses of Caledonia, (enough said). Is this the one they've heard? All will be revealed next week!

Having sung the five verses of Duncan Gray, our energy was flowing so that we were ready for the more controlled, refined singing of CARILLON DE VENDÔME, putting in some practice on the parts.

After the break, we got out the instruments, this time using only those, glocks, metallo, and bass, plus flute as in the score and for the first time, put it all together, instruments and singers. We're keeping up the 'togetherness' in this piece and it's getting better week by week.

Beautiful Africa
, on a beautiful, sunny morning, ended our session.