Tuesday, 3 February 2009


After a good warm up, the singing voices in our group can be good, but this morning we showed our listening has improved enormously.

BRAND NEW DAY with its five bar phrases, is quite a challenge to sing as a round but that feeling of togetherness, which comes from listening intently while singing, was there and the parts kept in perfect time with each other. This song will become really enjoyable to sing and to listen to, when that listening habit becomes so embedded that it's effortless.

We had a good practice at this, everyone playing the instrument parts. Although we used all the instruments, the score requires only the glockenspiels, soprano and alto. plus metallophone and bass xylophone which leaves a good number of voices for the singing. What was impressive today was exactly that togetherness when Diana added her flute part and everyone was again listening while playing and singing to achieve that good 'ensemble'.

BEAUTIFUL AFRICA. We sang three verses of this and are already beginning to feel comfortable with the tune _ a really good sing!

Thinking of Africa, and good singing, this video seems to fit.