A new warm up song today was by Michael Stillwater, 'ONE BY ONE EVERYONE COMES TO REMEMBER", _ a lovely slow melody where we can really feel the sound quality of our voices. Moving on to singing this as a round will be for next week.
BRAND NEW DAY gets stronger week by week and we continue to listen hard, keeping the parts firmly together.
DUNCAN GRAY is a very good sing, if we can find a pitch that's comfortable for all of us and in our group which includes trained sopranos, fine tenors as well as deep basses, unison singing is not easy. We'll have to work on this problem.
After some time spent on instrument technique, as well as practice in singing the song, we put it all together, glocks, metallophone, bass xylophone and this week Joan on flute.
This piece comes to an abrupt end, which is part of its impact. We played and sang it well, but didn't quite make the precision at the end, to get the full effect of that finality. Of course, that's something to work at and as we always say in our group, we WILL get there.