Fire Drill Practice ! - (click to enlarge)
We opened today with music from a Gaelic singer new to me at least, GRIOGAIR LAWRIE. I played the track ORAN DO'N MHORAIRNE which has a lovely lilting rhythm, just right for our warming up movements. Unfortunately our two Gaelic speakers were not with us (probably on one of their frequent trips to Skye) but I look forward to hearing their translation of the text when they get back.Of course we had to try to follow up on last week's session with Alison Burns and we started with her arrangement of PACHELBEL'S CANON sung to 'ALLELUIA" which was just getting going when the fire alarm rang with the result that we had a five minute sing in the open air, on the steps beside the pond. In spite of the morning chill, it felt good and I did hear the comment, "We should do this more often".
Coming in from the cold, we sang the lively EARLY IN THE MORNING, which had a warming effect, after which we listened to the CD track of Fly, Fly, Fly, joining in the chorus which we'd learned last week. Good to sing to the wonderful banjo accompaniment and this is one we'll work on in future.
We are gradually building up our skills on the instruments and all I'll add is that I feel sure we're on the verge of a breakthrough with the JAMESTOWN JIG. (!!!!!!!!)
I'll be away next week and will be back on 2nd November but I know the group will as ever, rise to the occasion next Tuesday, creativity to the fore, and arrange an enjoyable musical morning together.