Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Led by Diana --- today's session opened with "CROSS CRAWL" exercises to warm us up followed by some beautiful slow movements to " I AM BODY PRAYER" sung by Aled Jones to PIE  JESU

Isla then had all the group engaging in diaphragmatic breathing and  vowel exercises.
Sue followed on with 3 poems, FRIENDSHIP by Elizabeth Jennings, followed on by "A LARK" and "THE SMALL GIANT" by Kenneth C Stevens.
Joan was next and she beautifully played THE SHEPHERD'S SONG by Mendelssohn on her flute and this was followed on by us all singing GREEN GROW THE RASHES O.
After coffee Jim got out his Penny Whistle and played 3 Scottish Tunes --- MY BOY TAMMIE, LEA RIG AND THE YELLOW HAIR'D LADDIE.

Irene was next and had us all singing 3 parts to Jean Redpath's BOTTLES OF POP / FISH AND CHIPS AND VINEGAR / DONT CHUCK YOUR MUCK IN OUR BACKYARD !!
Diana then read out 2 of her own beautiful  poems that she had written --- BUTTERFLIES and PRESENCES
Don't have the words to put on the web --- but thought you might all like this --
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A new song was then introduced by Isla called the "SHOEMAKER'S SERENADE" which we all agreed was "Tickity Boo" !
Sheila finished with another poem - 'SONG OF THE MOUNTAIN ASH FAIRY'

The morning session was then rounded off  with a couple of our old favourites JULIAN OF NORWICH  and BEAUTIFUL AFRICA

An enjoyable morning was had by all and thanks to Isla for being the leader today-- However, we look forward to next weeks session on Moira's return from Copenhagan