Wednesday, 6 May 2009


After warming up to the WEATHER song, we moved on to the African WATCHA, picking up the three harmony parts.
Getting down to instrument practice, we worked on the rhythms of THE FAIR LADY, simple but tricky and ultimately very effective in accompanying the song. That rhythm is not yet bedded in and some felt it easier to play while singing the song but the real challenge was when Jim added the tune on the tin whistle, a quiet, clear sound. Real concentration was required on the part of everyone to keep the piece together and we did manage it but perhaps next time we'll be less anxious and begin to enjoy it.
Still working on BEAUTIFUL AFRICA, these words are coming easier now and always uplifting to sing.
As before when I've missed a week the group took over and entertained each other and I think it's time I was in on this, so I'm suggesting that we have a re-run of last week's programme when we meet in Fintry on 19th May. Now that'll be a treat!
In our group of mixed voices we talk a lot about high and low registers in an effort to find a comfortable singing range for everyone.
Here are some musicians who between them cover quite a range, _ and with humour!