We were small in number today which was an opportunity to have a good practice on the xylophones. Our song THE WEATHER was an exercise in using the beaters and finding the notes and it paid off when by our half way mark we were able to play the piece right through at a good pace. We moved on from there to improvise sections for a rondo using the xylophones and also the temple block and the cymbal. The inspiration was flowing and we made a truly original piece.
After the break we returned to the 'tricky' rhythms of THE FAIR LADY accompanied by Jim on the whistle and Diana on the flute, feeling the delightful effect of the composition when all the instruments are playing accurately and precisely.
Our morning ended with several energetic repeats of the call and response song LOVE SOMEBODY YES I DO, with a different caller each time receiving enthusiastic and musical responses _ a good fun song.
For our final meeting of the 2008-2009 session we are all invited, beginning at 10.00,to Moira Perritt's farm in Fintry, where we'll stay for lunch from 12.00 onwards.