Tuesday, 14 October 2008


We started the session with music by the Klezmatics, a New York group who play Klezma music based on the melodies and style of the Ashkenazy jews of central Europe.
The track we focused on was their version of the Woody Guthrie song I'm Gonna Clean up this World which seemed singularly appropriate in view of recent events on the financial scene and following on from Diana's circle dance of last week, we moved in a circle to the steady beat.
Introducing the song to new members, we then revisited THE WATERWHEEL, eventually singing in three parts and making a good, round sound with our voices.
OLD ANGUS MCTAVISH then got a lot of attention, first to learn the words, and then practise the alto part.
Five xylophone players then moved next door while the rest of us worked on the rhythms of the drums and bells.
This Orff arrangement takes a some concentrated practice but little by little we'll get there.
Many thanks to Rosemary for coordinating and recording last week's session while I was in Iceland. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. We really are a talented group in so many ways and now I'm looking forward to my chance to see a re-run.