In the absence of our esteemed leader (hope she had a good holiday) we had a DIY session, in the spirit of "Have a go and have fun!"
Diana started us off with warm-up exercises and put us in good voice for two of our songs, including harmonies. Joan then introduced us to a lovely and poignant flute piece from Georgia, which she played beautifully,accompanied by Rosemary on keyboard, then led us nearer home to sing "Westering Home". The variety continued with a circle dance from Diana, with moves that were simple but most enjoyable. To finish the first half on a 'high' note, Jim, dressed for the part, took us "Down Below" with a very funny song about sewers.
He turned (with relief) to his whistle after the break and gave us a lively beat for clapping exercises. These descended into much hilarity, until Irene and Moira emerged as expert beat-keepers! We were then treated to two of the fine voices in the group, Irene teaching us a lovely song about a river, and Mairi finishing on a humorous note in "a Wee Hoose". There was just time for Rosemary to take us off to Africa for a Lion Hunt-scary stuff, a far and frivolous step from our start in Russia.
We truly 'had a go' and enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks to all who led and followed!.
Many thanks to Rosemary Booth for this weeks report