Wednesday 11 May 2011


Once again Moira had invited us for a summer meeting at her farm in Fintry. The rain which had lashed down as we drove, soon cleared to let us enjoy the lovely views from her windows in every direction and the wonderful quality of light in the room with the vaulted roof where we sing _ exhilarating to hear the difference in sound from the low ceilinged room we sing in normally. Even the keyboard gave a much fuller sound!
After singing through some old favourites we learned EL MEU AVI, a habanera from Catalonia. The habanera rhythm is fun to sing and it's interesting to take the text apart, guessing the word meanings using clues from everyone's various knowledge of French, Latin and Spanish.
After that we were entertained by tunes on the mouth organ and beautiful songs with guitar, both much enjoyed.
Lunch was a high point _ good food, wine and unhurried talk. The hen pheasant strutting past outside looked envious!
We're back in the C.E. Centre next week, 17th May, for our final meeting of the year.