Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Of course we are a music group, exploring and enjoying many aspects of music, but singing is a particular joy and we have been quietly and steadily training ourselves to be better singers and even think about blending our voices. This happens regularly whether we are twelve or twenty but this morning the combination of being twenty, and at last feeling comfortable with GREEN GROW THE RASHES O, was quite special and for the first time I felt we were singing as a choir. Words are almost perfect from memory and the faces are showing real feeling for the song,_a pleasure to see and listen to.
We also spent some time this morning having ourselves filmed singing and playing THE FAIR LADY. It's some time since we made a film and I think we got a good format this time for our position in the room. It went quite well but the results were so close to being good that I've decided we should do it again next week now that we're familiar with the drill and get it right.
We are scheduled to finish this term on 1st December but decided to add a meeting on the 8th after which we'll go for lunch at Douglas Park Golf Club