Tuesday, 3 March 2009


African elephant -- Click to emlarge
We were in good voice today, beginning with DAY BY DAY EVERYONE COMES TO REMEMBER and moving on to a spirited singing of LOVE SOMEBODY YES I DO, which inspired us to work out harmonies for the final bar of the song. This made and impressive and even heart warming ending.
Encouraged by this success, and after singing once through BEAUTIFUL AFRICA, we spent some time learning the alto part for the chorus, which seemed to come fairly easily; I do think we're gaining confidence in part singing and what a satisfaction it gives, to hear these harmonies warm up our sound!
With everyone now playing and using the beaters with confidence, we focused today on the dynamic possibilities of these barred instruments, from ppp to fff and amazed ourselves at the range of possibilities.
Following that we picked up our SPRING SONG from last week, this time inserting improvisations, each in turn on the bass xylophone, _ exciting to hear all the variations while Mhairi kept the rhythmic support going on the metallophone.
Finally coming to CARILLON, we decided it's time to hear a recording of this, so that's the plan for nest week.