Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Van Morisson's 'I Shall Sing' was the high point of our morning.
For starters, we resonated with:
'Spinnn lassie spinnn, an even thread and thinnn.
From this fleecy coat of thine
I will make a plaidy fine;
Spin lassie spinnn.'
After this, the African songs, Senjua and Sijahamba resounded wonderfully, Senjua in 3-part harmony.

Moving on to Scottish songs, we sang The Fair Lady, followed by Air Falalalo, by which point the jaws were truly well exercised.

Introducing the beautiful Carol of the Advent, to the French tune Besancon, words by Eleanor Farjeon, to new members, we sang it straight through today, in preparation for the start of December.

Coming back refreshed from the coffee break, we picked up the Van Morisson song, which we haven't sung since last spring. Although we know it well I Shall Sing has always been tricky for us when it comes to fitting the four ostinatos together with the voices.
Perhaps it was the six month rest, but for the first time, everyone was switched on to that beat, listening, playing and singing. Quite a thrill, for me, at least.

I'll be away next week but I can hear from the various conversations, that preparations are afoot for a good programme. Have a good morning and I'll be back on 1st December.

p.s. Here's an ORFFY diversion with thanks to Hollywood, Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor -- Click on the play button to get the movie going !!