Wednesday, 5 March 2008


15 of us this morning made 2 sets + 1 caller (Mairi) for the Virginia Reel which got us off to a lively start and it definitely seemed to charge up the energy because the voices in SENJUA today had a particular depth and resonance. We missed Carol's mouth organ and Jim was indisposed with a sore lip, so Malcolm had to carry the instrumental part which he managed after a short practice.
We are working on memorising the verses of AIR FAL AL O.
I SHALL SING is becoming more confident and the harmony more secure and I hope we can add in the instrumental parts next week.
DANCE TAE YER DADDY worked beautifully with 2 ostinatos on the instruments and next week we'll add a 3rd.
6 stayed for extra practice and we'll see them shine next week.
All the best,
Cheers on a Vino Verde!