Tuesday, 15 January 2008
The snowdrops can get the energy flowing and so can we!
We warmed up the joints this morning to the happy whistling of the group Haindling, after which we were ready to fill the lungs and use the voice. Working on resonance, we each sang a short phrase using words endingin 'ng', which was echoed by all the group. Intonation, inventiveness and accurate listening are improving as is confidence to not only sing alone, but make up a phrase to sing!
The Waterwheel by Paul Wilson, in three parts, with its open vowels and long notes, is perfect for allowing us to focus on resonance andquality of tone, which comes of course from concentration and relaxation of the throat and after singing it through several times we were also beginning to feel the harmonies fitting together.
We used a good block of time for practising on the instruments today and by the end the beaters were not quite flying back and forth but certainly sounding more secure and confident, so that when each person in turn was asked to improvise,using only two notes,a short phrase which everyone would echo, the music flowed beautifully.
The business meeting which followed was a chance to check the financial health of the group, allow members to make suggestions and form a plan for the months ahead as well as next year.