Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Yes, amazingly this is our fifth year of ENJOY MUSIC! with no sign of flagging. We approach our warm ups with gusto and after a few weeks discovering our 'support' in those stomach muscles, we are feeling the power in the voices. It's great to feel all that extra breath and enjoy singing the longer phrases.

Our other focus these days is on keeping a flat tongue while singing, which is no easy matter if you've never given it a single thought. But allowing the sound a clear way out by keeping the tongue flat makes a big difference to the tone and we're working on that.

Coming back to I'LL FLY AWAY this morning, we took some time to remember the parts but our nineteen good voices made a rich sound and that blend sounded even better when we moved on to ROW ON, the beautiful fishermen's song in Ali Burns's arrangement with very close harmonies.

On the instruments, we played a slow downward scale supported by rhythm on the drum and maracas in three beat time.
The piece, called DECORATING THE THIRD, starts off very simply and moves on with decorations to each note of the scale. Certainly something to work at next time.

I'm not able to come next next week so our next meeting is on Tuesday 4th October.

- Posted using BlogPress from Carol's iPhone

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Are you missing ENJOY MUSIC? I hope so because I am and I'm looking forward to getting together with everyone again for our new session which starts this coming Tuesday 6th September.
So it's time to rack those brains and see how many of our songs are still in there since last May and even do a few ma mae me maw moos while you're rattling some dishes in the sink or giving the grass the (hopefully) last cut.

Very best wishes,